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If you had any enquirers or anything blurred about this blog just contact me at afiq_113@yahoo.com
MOTTO: "What I Shoot Today Is Tommorrow History"
MOTTO: "What I Shoot Today Is Tommorrow History"
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Bahtera Masjid SOAS
Friday, January 23, 2009
UBD Sharks Friendly Match 23 January 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
At last... problem solved
ITB Career Day 22 January 2009- At last my "problem" and doubt regarding police car photographing solved. Luckily the traffic police are there to solved my problem. When I asked about "Is it an offence to photograph police cars?. He said" its ok, but as long your intention is good or just photographing for hobby. But in case get stopped by the cops. Jst tell the truth". Special thanks for him. Yeah, will photograph more police car again.
Flood Aftermath
The road leading to UBD library was covered with dirt.
The Brunei worst flood that claimed two people lives had affect most of the areas in Brunei Muara. The hillsides suffered most where the area used to be a stable hillside also suffered lanslides. While the Gadong tunnel were closed. I just go to the class 1 disaster area where only slight damaged occur.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
1st monkey image for 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
Airport fire station, now and then
Providing fire cover for the aircraft and the airport building and facilities itself is a challenging task for firefighters especially the Brunei Civil Aviation Fire Department (Bomba Airport). The department start to privide its fire cover with their first appliance which is the Thornycroft crash tender in 1960s. Later in 1970s as the new Brunei International Airport completes, the fire department operates from their new base which can house 6 appliance at a time.
As time goes by the department decicded to move and build a new station which completed in 2008. This new station is built larger and the appliance bay can accommodate up to 10 to 12 appliances at a time. When large scale incident airport occurs at the airport the appliances bay can be converted into Mass Casualty Triage.
While the main station deal with nearly all fire and rescue operation around the airport premises, the 2nd airport fire station which located near the aircraft hangar provides fire strike fire rescue in case fire occurs at the hangar. If situation become uncontrolled the 2nd station will contact the main base for support.
As time goes by the department decicded to move and build a new station which completed in 2008. This new station is built larger and the appliance bay can accommodate up to 10 to 12 appliances at a time. When large scale incident airport occurs at the airport the appliances bay can be converted into Mass Casualty Triage.
While the main station deal with nearly all fire and rescue operation around the airport premises, the 2nd airport fire station which located near the aircraft hangar provides fire strike fire rescue in case fire occurs at the hangar. If situation become uncontrolled the 2nd station will contact the main base for support.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Heavy rain in KB 10 January 2009
The wet season come again to Kuala Belait. On last January 10 several areas in Belait and Seria town was submerged. The drains around are useless at that time as nearly all drains are overflowing. The situation was worsened with heavy rains for nearly 12 hours which stopped slowly in the afternoon. And the high tide which occur the day before until 10 Janury also worsened the situation.
Weird car accident but true
11 January 2009, opening my Road Traffic Accident (RTA) album is the RTA case of the Pajero at the Tungku Link highway near the UBD Flyover. Believed to be happened at 11am, the RTA which seem as 'mini case' turns complicated when eyewitness say that a person with brain disorder are seen running away from the site thus more emergency personnel summoned including firefighters from the Jerudong FRS.
For me the crash is unique as the Pajero was driven at the dirt wall/section along the highway until it lost control and smashed the ground until it stopped in the dirt. Wonder how this crash occur?
First Coach Photo for 2009
Opening my Bus and Coaches Photos for the year 2009 is the photos of the Bengkel Kereta Berakas (BKB/ADBS) new Yutong 47 coach. Luackily I went to my cuz marriage, if not i will not mangaed to shoot one of my favourite coach.
Friday, January 9, 2009
High Tide in Seria 9 January 2009
Opening my natural disaster file is the photos of the High Tide in Seria River on 9 January 2009. The high tide submerged parts of Jalan Tengah Detour road heading towards the BSP HQ and caused a traffic slow down.
1st image of fire engines for 2009
2009, I am lucky this time as I managed to get two shots of different fire appliance at a time. Both fire engine are opening my 2009 fire engine albums. Both engines are from Seria FRS which are the Volvo FL10/SK Fire Water Tender Ladder no.3 and also the Mitsubishi FP Water Tanker no.3 (WRT3)
Thursday, January 8, 2009
My HAZMAT Specialist/Investigator
Recently I bought a Hazardous Material (HAZMAT) specialist/investigator action model. Manufactured by Lanard and sold at Soon Lee Mega Mart for $26 later as time goes by and no one wants to buy they later discount it 50%. So become $13. Although it is not a serious action model and its kit didn't match as the real thing but is has a play value (for kids and also for adult as well).
The kit consist of :
1) Type 1 initial chemical protection suit
2) Walkie-Talkie
3) Road barrier
4) EMS Oxygen tank (C/W Mask)
5) Backpack CO2 extinguisher C/W BA Set
6) Status note board
7) Watch
8) Boots
9) SLR Camera
Monday, January 5, 2009
Belait Riverside photograhy
5 January 2009, first day of single outing in 2009. To release my stress in home and before I start my semester I drive and stop at the Belait Riverside. Although my initial intention was to visit the Belait River Marine Fire Post but i cancelled it as I see the firefighters are busy fishing and I didn't want to disturb them.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Welcome 2009
First of all just want to wish you all a Happy New Year. Also to my supporting friends whether in Brunei, UK, Australia and anywhere, I wish you all will success in live and studies. To my admire, I hope you will get As in your A level exam.
Anywhere, this is some of my resolutions for 2009. Hopefully come true:
1)Be more courtesy, professional and respect (CPR)
2)Will stick only to my admire. Although anything happen I will only stick to you.
3)Be more professional in job and study.
4)Be a professional photographer.
5)Aim to realize my dream to own Sony H-50
6)Aim to finish my 1st book on fire appliaces entitle "50 years of Brunei Fire and Rescue Department Appliances"
Insyallah, will do all above this year. Let's roll
Friday, January 2, 2009
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Outing with my admire
Last semester holiday was meaningful to me. At last I succeed to 'date' with my admire who i admire since my PRE-U2 years. We date at an undisclosed location in Pandan 5. She still charming to me. However, something wird happen when we 'date'. I also don't know why my stomach suddenly full although I just eat 2 slice of murtabak, while she also like that only eat two chicken wings but already full. Very very weird.
New peribahasa founded here : Makan yang kenyang, tidur yang lena, mandi yang basah .
New peribahasa founded here : Makan yang kenyang, tidur yang lena, mandi yang basah .
2009 Resolution
Setelah menempuh pelbagai pahit manis, asam garam, pahit getir dan seumpamany di tahun 2008 saya Kaduk ingin berazam untuk mengubah dan membuat hal-hal baru di thaun 2009 ini. Diharapkan tahun 2009 akan memberi kebahagiaan kepadaku.
Resolution seperti berikut :
Resolution seperti berikut :
- I will only love you my admire "A". Hopefully you can be yours. Since PRE-U I have been loving you the only thing is that its hard to tell " I love you to you".
- Target to shoot 50 plus or more photo of Brunei Emergency Vehicles.
- Target to finish my firefighting novel and also my fire appliances book.
- Let's rock and roll to success in my studies. Teruskan Operasi Membeliakkan Mata Anak Orang.
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