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MOTTO: "What I Shoot Today Is Tommorrow History"

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Nikon Lite Touch Zoom 70Ws

Front View
The lens with zoom, silver 'shoot' switch, zoom toggle, At the screen is the battery bar, 3 indicates empty and the mode indicator. Next to the screen is timer and mode button

I am using Nikon Lite Touch since 2002. At that time I didn't serious in photography activity. Quite handy, this camera had a night mode, landscape mode, potrait mode, flash forced off mode (just realised these mode on July 8). It is a film type camera which my friend H Alimin sneer at during every school trips during my SMSA years he he (quite miss that time). Anywhere, I will still used this camera until Brunei shops stop selling its films.

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