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MOTTO: "What I Shoot Today Is Tommorrow History"

Sunday, November 30, 2008

My new interest - Bus and Coach photography

Since this year I don't know why I am interested in bus and coach. Possibly because of the rising number of Chinese made coach operated in Brunei and also because of the website named www.bus-and-coach-photos.com

Potrait Photography

My new model si Khalil 
Termenung nun jauh disana 

Hmm lepas makan

Projek baru di bulan Ramadhan yang lepas; Food Photography

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Muka sempit

Potret Awg.Jemmy bermuka sempit (term yang baru dikaji oleh orang BML)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Jemmy - spoiled by U535

Seen here is the photo of my friend Jemmy spoiled by the U535. I have adjust the exposure, but it still no use. So in short the U535 is only suitable for outdoor not indoor.

Why I like photograhy?

From 2003 till now it had been 5 years I involved in photography. Although most of my photos are taken just using point and shoot film/digital cameras but the result is impressive. The reasons why I like and become interested to continue this hobby are : -

  1. My sis always get mad at me when I try to snap emergency vehicles photos. A very tough challenge to handle and possibly cannot be handled forever.
  2. My girlfriend is very understanding my 'childish' job of taking photos of heavy plant equipment.
  3. Daddy always being supportive to his son.
  4. Mummy sometimes give support (only in certain situation and place)
  5. Some sensitive policeman will get suspicious if we snap their photos thus stopping us.
  6. Sporting Brunei Firemen will smile when their appliances are snapped by me.
  7. My 'models' are increasing from time to time.
  8. Photo developing is cheap in Brunei Muara compared to KB thus I prefer to develop in Brunei Muara.
  9. Laptop always cooperative to save as may pictures as it can.

Wedding Reception at Chancellor Hall 2.10.08

The 'white thing' is rice bits falling from dish. This thing sometimes mess the CH carpets.

The pelamin. Although the real thing is nice but the U535 spoils it eventhough I've set the exposure many times.
Not quite bad. Shows the U535 very useful for near objects.

Aha, the KB well known catering nicknamed 'Penyamun Tarbus'. Here shows the 'shading' of the tarbus man caused by the U535 camera. Also because it didn't have the autofocus.

Last 2.10.08 I attaend a wedding reception at our Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) famous Chancellor Hall. I tend to snap some photos where the photos shows the weakness of my Huawei u535 cameraphone. .

Security Post? Where is him?

A 'post security'? supposed to be spelled as "Security Post". But where is the security? he2. Photo taken using my Huawei u535.